"The Other Cultures Of Celebrities (FUNNY)"

You've to check this funny pictures. How your celebrities would be look in other cultures. Paris Hilton change to tanned woman.Taylor swift had a small eyes and cute red mouth like Chines and Japanese Angelina Jolie.How it could be??? Some pictures from SPLASH NEWS will shake you stomach........

First,we start with Miley Cyrus,now she change to eskimo girl and no more sexy looking.

Next,Taylor Swift,she change to Chines girl that look cute with small eyes and red mouth.

Paris and Nicky Hilton still looks sexy in their tanned skin.

This isn't real hawaiian girls,she's Kristen Stewart with her half tanned skin
 Brad Pitt isn't always looking good.Now he look so bad with messy hair and dirty skin.Still love him?
And the last,Angelina Jolie.Now she looks more different than when she in guise on Salt.
We know that they look not so bad there,but they better look now in real life.Brad Pitt won't lose many fans. Taylor Swift won't need to learn mandarin,and Kristen Stewart still can be a vampire. LOL

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