"Did you know berries are useful?"Part3
Strawberry is a fruit of herbaceous plants have average of 200 small seeds per fruit. 700 of various types of strawberries. One type species named Fragaria chiloensis L. This species is spread to various American countries, Europe and Asia. other species is F. vesca L. This one is more widespread than other species. Type of strawberry also the first to enter Indonesia. Red color of ripe strawberries is very reasonable. The red color is caused because the fruit is rich in anthocyanin pigment color and contains high antioxidants. Heard the word antioxidant, you must already know that it means very much usefulness. And you're right! Strawberries save exceptional nutrition. In addition to these antioxidants, it is also rich in fiber, low calorie, and contain vitamin C, folate, potassium, and ellagic acid.
Want to know the nature of strawberries?1. Strawberry able to shrink the cholesterol levels.2. Strawberry could help cripple the active work of cancer because it contains ellagic acid.3. Strawberry able to reduce the symptoms of stroke.4. Strawberry contains anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory.5. Concentrations of seven antioxidants in strawberries is higher than other fruits or vegetables, so the strawberry is a fruit that effectively prevents the oxidation process in the body (Oxidation is the destruction of body tissues by free radicals. Oxidation is also responsible for the aging process.6. Strawberry is rich in vitamin C is very beneficial for growing children.7. Strawberry is just a little too sweet for people with a diet suitable for diabetics.8. Strawberries are eaten regularly can smooth the skin and make skin color look brighter and cleaner. Other uses of the famous anti-wrinkle!9. Strawberry can whiten or clean the tooth surface.10. Strawberry effective against rheumatism and arthritis.11. Strawberry leaves are also nutritious because it has the astringent substances.Three to four cups of boiling water per day strawberry leaves, can effectively stop an attack of diarrhea.12. Adult requirement of vitamin C per day can be met by eight strawberry (98 mg). Also at the same bias fiber needs are met.
Purpose-side property is also still widely available in this fruit. For health, strawberries are best eaten fresh, either whole or created juice. This works if you have been making jam or part of processed foods, will be greatly reduced. Therefore, try to eat fresh strawberries.
Be careful to keep this fruit, since strawberries have started to decay can spread very quickly to the other strawberry stored together. Strawberry can hold four days in the refrigerator.But in the freezer, the fruit can last for a month with proper storage.Arrange strawberries in one by one by one separately, then freeze. Once frozen, flush with water and put in plastic, then freeze again. How to store like this is suitable for making juice.
With so many uses strawberries, be assured that this fruit is called the fruit of love matches. Fruit can be a loving gift from you to your own body's health.
Emmm .. so getting hooked make strawberry juice, strawberry unfortunately in Banjarmasin have a rare breed in wet areas and hot because, hopefully in Banjarmasin strawberries cheap, so if you buy snacks strawberry is better than cheaper than another.Hopefully useful.
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