"Did you have chev friends?"

Ever have a chev friend?
Try look out you friends,may they include of chev friends or not.
You may know someone chev from a number ways,specially from their social network account.
Here is a few ways to know is your friend one of the chev:

1.The way they write
   This is the very easy way to know,just look out on their hand writing. Chev man usually write in the way that difficult to understand. They usually write with wrong capital letter and with useless number too...
They also like to write with over words that spell incorrect,that it more difficult to understand.
   Here's the example of chev hand writing:
"! $tiLl 0n mY w@y +0 $cHo0oOO00olLLll....."
"wH@t rrrRRR yOu dOin' r!9H+ n0WwW?"

2.The way they take a picture
   Chev men usually take picture by their own hand and shoot just in one face. They also give some simple smile,stupid smile or even over smile. They also shoot in over action that's really disgusting eyes,Yiks. They also love to use hand modeling or other useful tools to make it more cool *but serious,it's really looks strange!
They love to take photo together to....Imagine that *oh no,forget it!

3.The way their talk *in real life
   Serious,after the way their write and take photos,now imagine how they talk.....
Really-really disgusting! They're over,and talk so useless. Don't ever talk to them or you'll fell really confuse. LOL,wanna try to imagine it?

4.The way they looks like *in real life
    After that's all disgusting things,you'll know how they look.
Over outfit,use fake gadgets,fake accessories,and other fake things that usually lot on price and they can't buy it but they don't want shame on it! So they buy the fake one. *why don't they use the lil price one,but looks marvelous???

5.They own behaviour
   You can know how they'll be next from the chev things,i bet some of them are really have a bad behaviour but some others don't.

So,that's all i know how chev man looks like from my own experiences *i used to have chev friend
And i really sorry from the way they so over. Why can't they be their own selves?
Alright,do you still wanna have friends with chev man? in my opinion i'll make their friends if they got good attitude and of course change their chev things.

Hope this article useful,sorry for the chev man (^_^) and,
See Ya....

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